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My profile isn’t visible in Bulk Object Permissions

When using the Bulk Object Security tool, you may find that some of the profiles that exist in your environment are not available for selection.

This is by design as some profiles are not compatible with Object Security Permissions.

Standard profiles

Standard Profiles do not support object security permissions

Profiles with Modify All permission

Profiles with the Modify All permission do not support Object Security. In the Salesforce, these profiles may still support Object Security, however, on editing of these permissions, you may find that the Modify All permission will be removed. OrgKit does not tamper with the Modify All permission and simply does not allow these profiles to be loaded and updated.

Profiles with unsupported license types

Some license types are either not supported at all or currently not supported pending further investigation.

The current supported license types are as follows:

  • Customer Community
  • Customer Community Login
  • Customer Community Plus
  • Customer Community Plus Login
  • Customer Portal Manager Custom
  • Customer Portal Manager Standard
  • External Apps Login
  • External Identity
  • – App Subscription
  • – Free
  • Gold Partner
  • Guest License
  • High Volume Customer Portal
  • Identity
  • Partner App Subscription
  • Partner Community
  • Partner Community Login
  • Salesforce
  • Salesforce Integration
  • Salesforce Platform
  • Silver Partner
  • Only

If a profile isn’t listed that you feel should be listed, please Contact Us!

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