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Subscribing to a new plan

When first signing up to OrgKit, you are given a free trial account which allows you to test all the features of the platform. After your trial expires, you are required to subscribe to a paid plan in order to continue using OrgKit with your environments.

You will know when your trial expires by seeing the ‘plan expired’ badge appear in the top right hand corner of the platform.

Selecting your plan

Upgrading to a paid subscription is easy! Underneath your name badge, click on the menu item named Plan

On the Plan page, you will be able to select a plan that suits your needs.

Activating your subscription

After you have selected the plan you would like to subscribe to, click the Subscribe button. You will be redirected to our payments provider where you will be asked to enter your payment details to complete and activate your subscription.

Any existing trial time you have available will be added to your expiry date to ensure you do not lose any of your free trial!

Viewing your activated subscription

After you have successfully subscribed, you will be redirected back to OrgKit and your subscription details will be viewable.

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